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Forex Fundamental Analysis Tool: Economic Data Sources

Economic data is very important in forex (fx) trading. It is a key component of fundamental analysis for forex trading. Here is a list of sources of the world's economic data, including GDP data, income data, economic growth, economic development and other economic statistics. Statistics data are available for countries including the United States, European countries, China, Japan, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland and so on.


Sites of Official Data Archives / Statistics

Argentina Instituto Nacional de Estadstica y Censos (National Instutite of Statistics and Census
Australia Australian Bureau of Statistics
Austria Austrian National Bank
sterreichisches Statistisches Zentralamt (Austria Statistics Center)
Bahrain Bahrain Monetary Agency
Bolivia Instituto Nacional de Estadstica (Institute of National Statistics
Brazil Centro de Estudos de Opinio Pblica (Center of Public Opinion Research)
IBGE (Brazil)
Bulgaria National Statistical Institute
Canada Bank of Canada
Institut de la Statistique du Qubec
Canadian Industry Statistics
Finance Canada
Statistics Canada
China China Data Center
China Dimensions - CIESIN
Chile Instituto Nacional de Estadsticas (National Institute of Statistics)
Columbia Departamento Aministrativo Nacional de Estadistica (Department of National Administration of Statistics)
Croatia Croatian Bureau of Statistics
Cyprus Department of Statistics and Research
Czech Republic Czech Statistical Office
Denmark Danish Data Archives
Danish Economic Council
Statistics Denmark
Dominican Republic Banco Central
Oficina Nacional de Estadstica (National Office of Statistics)
Ecuador Instituto Nacional de Estadstica y Censos (National Institute of Statistics and Census)
Finland Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (ETLA)
Statistics Finland
France Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (National Institute of Statistics and Economic Research)
Germany Statistical Office of Germany
Greece National Statistical Service
Greenland Statistics Greenland
Guatemala Instituto Nacional de Estadstica (National Institute of Statistics)
Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department
Hungary Hungarian Central Statistical Office
Iceland Central Bank of Iceland
Statistics Iceland
India Census of India
Indonesia Central Bureau of Statistics
Iran Salam Iran
Ireland Central Statistics Office
Israel Bank of Israel
Central Bureau of Statistics
Facts about Israel - Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Finance
Italy Banca d'Italia (Bank of Italy)
L'Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (National Institute of Statistics)
Japan Economic Planning Agency
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Japan Ministry of Labour
Ministry of International Trade and Industry
Statistics Bureau & Statistics Center
Jordan Central Bank of Jordan
Kenya Central Bank of Kenya
Korea National Statistical Office
Latvia Bank of Latvia
Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia
Lithuania Department of Statistics
Luxembourg Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (Service Center of Statistics and Economic Research)
Malaysia Department of Statistics
Malta Central Office of Statistics
Mexico Banco de Mxico (Bank of Mexico)
Ministry of Finance
Instituto Nacional de Estadstica, Geografa e Informtica ((National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Information) (INEGI)
Netherlands Statistics Netherland
New Zealand New Zealand Treasury
Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Statistics New Zealand
Nicaragua Banco Central de Nicaragua (Central Bank of Nicaragua)
Northern Ireland Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Norway Statistics Norway
Palestinian National Authority Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics
Peru Central Reserve Bank of Peru
Instituto Nacional de Estadstica e Informatica (National Institute of Statistics and Information)
Phillipines National Statistics Office
Poland Public Opinion Research Center
Portugal Instituto Nacional de Estatstica (National Institute of Statistics)
Russia Bank of Russia
Informarket (Russian Securities)
Singapore Statistics Singapore
Slovakia Institute of Information and Statistics (INFOSTAT)
Slovenia Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
South Africa South African Reserve Bank (CSS)
Spain Bank of Spain
Instituto Nacional de Estadstica (National Institute of Statistics
Sweden Statistics Sweden
Switzerland Swiss Statistics (Swiss Federal Statistics Office)
Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs
Thailand Bank of Thailand
Turkey Central Bank of Turkey
State Institute of Statistics
Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
United Kingdom Department of Trade and Industry
General Register Office for Scotland
HM Treasury
Home Office Research and Statistics Directorate
Office for National Statistics
United States Bureau of the Census
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Venezuela Oficina Central de Estadistica e Informatica (Central Office of Statistics and Information)


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